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How Small Events or Stories Change Anybody’s Life

How Small Events or Stories Change Anybody’s Life

Sometimes small events or stories are very important to change anybody’s life. If we look around, we will take many examples of this concept. People with an average lifestyle got an abrupt change in their lifestyle by a small event or story and resultantly future of such people gets a drastic revolution.  We can take an example as follows.

In a village, there was a young boy names Amjad, who was the son of a poor but hard-working farmer. His father was very poor but always tried his level best to get a good education for his son. That poor farmer sent his son to a good school in a nearby village, but his son Amjad was a very idle student and never took interest in his studies. Amjad’s teacher also tried their best but all in vain. Amjad was also reluctant to go to school as he expected to be scolded by his teacher for not doing his homework. He was fond of playing with his friends and never realized the problems of his parents. No doubt Amjad was a talented boy but his talent was being wasted in odd directions. So the poor farmer always remained in worry about not seeing any betterment in his son’s future.

One day Amjad was sitting idle in his class when he saw a storybook of his friend. He started to read that story that was related to an idle boy with no interest in his studies, but after some years that idle boy started to take interest in his studies and suddenly his pattern changed. Now while Amjad was reading this story, he realized that this story depicts his life. So he took interest in reading that story. All the things that were mentioned in the storybook about the boy were similar to Amjad's life pattern.

That story changed concept of Amjad regarding life and he thought about why he is not struggling in his life to ease his parent’s life? He started to go to school regularly and tried his level to become a bright student. He succeeded in his effort and became a great support to his family. Amjad not only became a source of comfort for his parents but also became an inspiring figure for all his villagers. By following his pattern many of his class-fellows got good grades and became bright students with their better futures.  

Moral:  Small Events or Stories Change Anybody’s Life


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