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Why Wisdom Has More Value than of Richness

 Many a times it is considered by people that they can take the poor people under pressure by showing their wealthy position, but sometimes it proves wrong when they face any wise poor person. Wisdom is not dependant on financial outlook of any person, rather it is mainly blessed by Allah Almighty and additionally experience of one's life matters. We can take following example for this.

There was a village in hilly area which was very beautiful place with respect to it's landscape as well as it's weather. People of this village were mostly poor but few of them were having good financial condition as they owned lands which the poor had to cultivate to earn their livelihood. There was an old tradition that people used to sit together at evening at a gathering place called "Dara", after completing their work and do some chit chat. Many a times such gatherings were done to resolve any dispute within two or more parties. Such gatherings were very useful tool for resolution of disputes at early stages, now which is called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Generally during evening, people in few number used to sit daily for general gossip also. One day there was such a gathering at one of the "Dara" where few poor farmers were sitting. In this gathering one Land owner called "Malik Sahib" was also sitting. Now during discussion one poor person asked another poor person named Muzafar, "In which your son is now a days"?. Muzafar replied that his son is doing matriculation. Malik's son was also doing matriculation, so "Malik" got little annoyed and said, "Golden Chain is never to be worn to a donkey, it is always for the bull of the traditional race". This statement was no doubt a great set back for Muzafar, but he kept quiet.

After few months result of matriculation was announced. Muzafar's son cleared the exam in good grades, but Malik's son got failed in same exams.

Again, as per routine gathering was at "Dara" during evening and same Malik and Muzafar were sitting in it. Now it was turn of wise Muzafar. He said in the gathering, addressing to the Malik, "Malik Sahib the bull is damaging the golden chain by dragging it with the wall, I suggest this golden chain is to be removed from bull's neck and to be worn to the donkey, as donkey deserves it more now".

Now there was a pin drop silence at "Dara" as Muzafar has taken his revenge by giving a very wise statement in a respectful way. Malik was so embarrassed by listening this and regretted on his previous statement.

Moral: Wisdom has more Value than that of Richness


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