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Old Head on Young Shoulders

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Asad, who was ten years old. He was a very intelligent and outstanding student and always got good positions in his class. He was a well-groomed boy and never quarreled with anyone and never hurt anyone with his words. Because of his good habits, he was friendly at school, and in his surroundings. His father and mother were pleased with him and always felt pride in their son.

Asad had no other siblings, therefore he was too connected to his mother. He always used to tell his mother about each and every event at his school. He was also very helpful to his mother in doing any task at home. He was a very obedient child who never missed school.

His father was an accountant in a private company and all the company's accounting work was under his responsibility. His father used to work six days a week and would come home late at night. Due to his busy schedule, he could not give more time to Asad. His father was very satisfied that because of his hard work, his family was living happily without any tention. Asad’s father used to read newspapers or watch TV during his relaxed times. In such a situation, Asad used to take his toys or small storybooks and sit on the carpet next to his father. Asad's father would sometime look away from the TV or the newspaper and smile at him too.

One day Asad was sitting next to his father when the doorbell rang. Asad went outside to see who was there. At the door was his father’s friend named Jameel. Jameel told Asad that he wanted to meet Asad's father. Asad came back and told his father about uncle Jameel. Asad’s father got a little annoyed upon hearing Jameel's name and it was apparent from his face that he didn't want to meet Jameel. So he told Asad to go and tell his friend Jameel that, I am not at home. Asad was shocked on hearing this and looked at his father with innocence. There was a question in Asad's eyes, why his father was telling a lie? Asad refused to do so, as his teachers have advised him to. His father looked at him angrily but Asad did not move. 

Asad was expecting that he would be severely reprimanded by his father, but nothing happened. Rather his father got up from the sofa, kissed Asad on the cheek, and said, "Well done my son, today you have proved that even children can teach adults good things”. Saying this, Asad’s father went out to meet Jameel. Seeing all this, Asad’s mother was also very happy. She was thinking about how wise Asad is at such a young age. She kissed Asad on the forehead and said softly, "Well done my son, I am proud of you".

Moral: Old Head on Young Shoulders




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