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\begin{aligned} & \Rightarrow \mathrm{dE}=\frac{\mathrm{Adl}}{\mathrm{r}} \cdot 2 \sin \left(\frac{\omega \mathrm{t}-\mathrm{kr}+\mathrm{k} \Delta+\omega \mathrm{t}-\mathrm{kr}-\mathrm{k} \Delta}{2}\right) \cos \left(\frac{\omega \mathrm{t}-\mathrm{kr}+\mathrm{k} \Delta-\omega \mathrm{t}+\mathrm{kr}+\mathrm{k} \Delta}{2}\right) \\ & \Rightarrow \mathrm{dE}=\frac{2 \mathrm{Adl}}{\mathrm{r}} \sin \left(\frac{2 \omega \mathrm{t}-2 \mathrm{kr}}{2}\right) \cos \left(\frac{2 \mathrm{k} \Delta}{2}\right) \\ & \Rightarrow \mathrm{dE}=\frac{2 \mathrm{Adl}}{\mathrm{r}} \sin (\omega \mathrm{t}-\mathrm{kr}) \cos (\mathrm{k} \Delta) \\ & \Rightarrow \mathrm{dE}=\frac{2 \mathrm{~A}}{\mathrm{r}} \sin (\omega \mathrm{t}-\mathrm{kr}) \cos (\mathrm{kl} \sin \theta) \mathrm{dl} As the wave eq is given by: $$ \frac{\partial^2 y}{\partial x^2}=\frac{1}{v^2}\left(\frac{\partial^2 y}{\partial x^2}\right) $$ We want to find out the solution of this equation. We know that general formula for
Comparing eq (1) and (2), we have: i. $2 \pi f t=100 \pi t \Rightarrow f=50 \mathrm{~Hz}$ ii. $I_o=20 \mathrm{~A}$ iii. $I_{R M S}=\frac{I_o}{\sqrt{2}}=\frac{20}{\sqrt{2}}=14 \mathrm{~A}$

How Small Events or Stories Change Anybody’s Life

  Sometimes small events or stories are very important to change anybody’s life. If we look around, we will take many examples of this concept. People with an average lifestyle got an abrupt change in their lifestyle by a small event or story and resultantly future of such people gets a drastic revolution.   We can take an example as follows. In a village, there was a young boy names Amjad, who was the son of a poor but hard-working farmer. His father was very poor but always tried his level best to get a good education for his son. That poor farmer sent his son to a good school in a nearby village, but his son Amjad was a very idle student and never took interest in his studies. Amjad’s teacher also tried their best but all in vain. Amjad was also reluctant to go to school as he expected to be scolded by his teacher for not doing his homework. He was fond of playing with his friends and never realized the problems of his parents. No doubt Amjad was a talented boy but his talent was

Why Hard work is Always Better than Begging

 Hard work is the key to success. nothing in this world is impossible for a person who targets to achieve with commitment and hard work. If we give a fried fish to a person without any of his efforts, then he will become habitual of doing nothing and aging the benefit without hard work, but if we teach him how to catch a fish, and use it as his food, then he will be more benefitted and will never try to beg in front of anyone. We can justify this statement by the following story. There was a school in a village, where children of mostly poor communities were getting their education. No uniform code was there in this school and students used to come in any of their available dresses. Education standards were reasonable but the teachers of this school were very much committed to their job in grooming their students, especially with respect to general ethics. The poor people were earning their livings hardly but were committed to educating the next generation for a better future. One day

Old Head on Young Shoulders

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Asad, who was ten years old. He was a very intelligent and outstanding student and always got good positions in his class. He was a well-groomed boy and never quarreled with anyone and never hurt anyone with his words. Because of his good habits, he was friendly at school, and in his surroundings. His father and mother were pleased with him and always felt pride in their son. Asad had no other siblings, therefore he was too connected to his mother. He always used to tell his mother about each and every event at his school. He was also very helpful to his mother in doing any task at home. He was a very obedient child who never missed school. His father was an accountant in a private company and all the company's accounting work was under his responsibility. His father used to work six days a week and would come home late at night. Due to his busy schedule, he could not give more time to Asad. His father was very satisfied that because of h

Why Wisdom Has More Value than of Richness

 Many a times it is considered by people that they can take the poor people under pressure by showing their wealthy position, but sometimes it proves wrong when they face any wise poor person. Wisdom is not dependant on financial outlook of any person, rather it is mainly blessed by Allah Almighty and additionally experience of one's life matters. We can take following example for this. There was a village in hilly area which was very beautiful place with respect to it's landscape as well as it's weather. People of this village were mostly poor but few of them were having good financial condition as they owned lands which the poor had to cultivate to earn their livelihood. There was an old tradition that people used to sit together at evening at a gathering place called "Dara", after completing their work and do some chit chat. Many a times such gatherings were done to resolve any dispute within two or more parties. Such gatherings were very useful tool for resolu

Why Happiness is Considered the State of Mind

Happiness and satisfaction are the state of mind. It can never be assumed that a person is happy due to too much money or having plenty of facilities. We can never say that a person is happy after being well settled. Rather we generally see poor people more satisfied than the rich. Then what is the thing for the poor to retain him happy, this is inner satisfaction. In other words we can say, the state of mind which makes him happy and contented. We take an example of such condition. Ashfaq Ahmad, who was a very known writer of Pakistan says that he has served for several years in Radio Pakistan and got posted at various locations. He also remained posted at Gilgit Radio Station. It was a small office but in a beautiful place. There a person named Ghulab, who was a low paid employee at Gilgit Radio Station and was doing duty as a office boy. Ghulab always remained unhappy and worried by his appearance. We never saw him happy and contented. We thought him unhappy because of his financial