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Where There is a Will There is a Way

Where there is will, there is a way
Where there is a will there is always a way. If anyone puts full commitment and effort to achieve any target, destiny will help him/her to get it. It is upon the person how dedicated he/she is to the achievement of his goal. Nothing in this world is impossible if the person engaged in its fulfillment shows true spirit and dedication. We can get an example of "Where there is will there is a way" which is mentioned in succeeding paragraphs.

 There was a person who was a very good journalist and always worked with zeal and zest for his newspaper. He was so dedicated to his job that he always remained the backbone of his network. He had a wish to write a book of his own but he never got time for that. His commitment to his job was always appreciated by his seniors and the owner of his newspaper.

One day when he woke up to go for his duty, he tried to get out of his bed but surprisingly he was unable to move. He became totally disabled and his whole body except his brain became immobilized. This was a type of disease that made him bed arrested. Only his brain was working and doctors told his wife that her husband may not move forever. After a few days unexpectedly one of his eyes got opened with an eyebrow movement and he also started to hear the sounds from one of his ears. His wife was very happy to get such kind of improvement.

His wife decided to accomplish the dream of her husband to write his book, but it was not easy to achieve this target. His wife hired a person to read the movements of her husband’s eyebrow. They started to pronounce alphabets in form of journalist, as a response to which, he gave movement to his eyebrow. So his wife and the assistant started to note the different movements of the journalist’s eyebrow to specify the alphabet. Now they started to write the book of journalist dreams by following the same pattern. Generally, they had to spend a minimum of two hours to complete a sentence. They worked four hours on daily basis and with a continuous effort for two years; they succeeded to complete the journalist’s book.

When the book was complete, the wife of the journalist contacted the publisher to get it published. When the book was published the lady took a copy to the journalist and showed him the fulfillment of his dream. He was too much happy to see the book and started his eyebrow movement in such a way as he might be clapping his hands. His wife also started to clap her hands. Three days after the book was published, the journalist died. It was like he was living for the completion of his book. He and his wife were too brave to get their dream become true. And Allah Almighty had given them the courage to achieve their target. It is truly said that “Where There is a Will There is a Way”.  

Other Moral English Stories of Your Interest

1.                    Why Mother’s Prayer is Considered Heaven's Scent

2.                   When everything was of gold

3.                   Why Self-Esteem and Satisfaction NeedNothing

4.                   Why Miniature Things are VeryImportant in Our Life

5.                   The Greatest Weakness of Human is HisBehoof (Need)

6.                   Why to Trust Teamwork and Delegationof Authority

7.                  Where There is a Will There is a Way


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