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Don't Leave Today's Work on Tomorrow

 "Don,t leave today's work on tomorrow". if we don't follow this proverb then there will be work piling upon us and it will become a burden, not easy to be disposed of. We can understand it by an example given in the succeeding paragraph.

 Once upon a time, there were a number of ants walking through the forest. They were roaming around

Don,t leave today's work on tomorrow

in search of food. Ants are always known for their hard work and commitment. The ants were working hard according to their nature. Suddenly, they heard a disturbing sound of a song, such a sound was of a grasshopper. The ants searched for the grasshopper and at last, found him hidden under a plant's leaves. One of the ants asked the grasshopper, "why you are wasting your time in singing s song only, rather you should work hard for a collection of food for winter as winter is about to set in". The grasshopper replied, "I will collect food in winters, you don't worry. Let me sing a song now and enjoy my life".

After some months when the winter started, the ants had sufficient storage of food with them and they had not had to work hard now for their food. They used to remain inside their shelter to enjoy their food without putting them exposed to a cold environment. On the other side, the grasshopper has nothing to eat as many plants has dropped their leaves due to winter and there was nothing for the grasshopper to eat. He had wasted his time in summer by singing songs and never stored food for his bad days. He was very hungry and it was difficult to move around in search of food due to winter. Suddenly, he thought about ants, which have met him a few months ago, collecting food for winter. He thought that ants will have sufficient food to feed him. So he went to the shelter of ants and asked them to help him. 

The ants gave food to the grasshopper and reminded him of the advice of one of their fellow ant, which she gave to the grasshopper in summer. The grasshopper was very ashamed and realized that he should not have put off his today's task to tomorrow.  it in winter and he rejected the advice of the ant. when winter came, the grasshopper didn't have any food to eat and it was so hard for him to search for food. Then he went to the ant and said her to help him. The ant told him not to leave his work until tomorrow. 

Moral: Don,t leave today's work on tomorrow

Other Moral English Stories of Your Interest

1.                          Why Happiness is Considered the Stateof Mind

2.                          Why Everyone Cannot be Jack of AllTrades

3.                          Why HardWork along with Genius is Key to Success

4.                          There is greatness in hard work

5.                          Why human is self-centered

6.                          Why Human is Ignorant of Basic Ethics

7.                          What goes around comes around


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