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Collection of 21 Unique English Stories

In today's computer age, when children have left the story-filled laps of grandmothers, child psychologists in developed countries emphasize, among other things, children's bedtime stories. A storytime session must be done together. We are trying to minimize this communication gap created in the race of information technology, in this context this platform of English Stories will continue its efforts. The collection of 21 Unique English Stories is our first and foremost contribution in this regard.

Collection of 21 Unique English Stories

Story has been important in all ages and children have a greater ability to understand and be influenced by stories than adults. That's why writing for children is the most difficult task, these grandmothers were very clever and they used to make some advice in the story. This blog titled "English Stories" is following the same pattern.

Education and training of children is a social responsibility and writers share this responsibility as an important part of society. The art of telling a story to children is a gift of nature. Just like famous writers of the world have created good literature for children, which aims at positive character building of children. In the same way, we are trying over level’s best to create quality literature for children.

Our effort is to narrate such stories here from which young children can learn life lessons. First of all, we are presenting a Collection of 21 Unique English Stories which can be accessed from the links given below.

Why Happiness is Considered the State of Mind

You have probably heard people around you talk about happiness and how important it is to live a happy life. Happiness, however, remains an abstract concept for most of us and we are left wondering what exactly makes a person happy. 

If happiness is so important, why do only a few privileged individuals get to experience it? Is there some secret that we’re all missing? The fact is that, no matter how much we try to avoid it, we are all faced with the problem of being happy on a daily basis. 

Why Everyone Cannot be Jack of All Trades 

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. In some cases, we may be better suited to one field than another. Most people aren’t cut out for everything, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is pretending to be something you’re not in order to fit into a specific niche of society or earn more money. Everyone can use some improvement here and there, but everyone can’t be Jack of All Trades. This illusion creates an unnecessary strain on the population and leads many people down a dark path toward self-doubt and frustration with the world around them. By convincing everyone they can master any skill with practice, we create a false sense of security for those who fall victim to this lie and encourage them to ignore their own limitations in favor of chasing after their dreams. 

Why Hard Work along with Genius is Key to Success

The world is driven by innovation, and the most innovative people are those who work the hardest, have the highest level of intelligence, and seek out ways to better themselves.

In today’s competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to stand out from your peers. To become successful and achieve success in the long run, you need to cultivate hard work along with a strong work ethic. You also need logic and creativity to come up with new ideas that help you advance as a person and as a professional.

If you want to rise above the competition, then you need to work smarter than others. Here are some essential things you should know about working hard along with genius and how they can help you succeed in life.

There is greatness in hard work 

Life is hectic and fast-paced these days. There is no time to waste and nothing less than perfect. Everything that we do has a purpose and hard work is the key to achieving your dreams. And, yes, it goes without saying that great work also comes with hard work, but not every hard work leads you to the right path. In fact, there are some people who have worked so much that they end up going down the wrong path. But don’t despair! You don’t need a degree in psychology to know that great things come from hard work as well.

Why human is self-centered

The word ego derives from the Greek word eidos, which means ‘form’. It refers to a person’s inherent sense of self and their ability to see themselves as an independent entity or agent. The ego is most often used in the context of human psychology, describing the way our minds work and how we think about ourselves. Our egocentric tendencies are our normal way of thinking, which is why it can be so hard to break free from them. The power of staying present and not engaging with thoughts that come up is one of the best defences we have against being taken over by egocentric thoughts; however, being mindful doesn’t mean being a hermit – we still need to connect with others on a regular basis. With this article, you will learn about some common human egocentrism issues and how you can combat them in your everyday life.

Why Human is Ignorant of Basic Ethics

What goes around comes around

When we do someone a favor, we expect something in return. And when that favor is not returned, we feel disappointed and resentful. Karma means that what goes around comes around. It’s a universal law of cause and effect; good deeds are rewarded with happiness and bad deeds are punished with unhappiness. Karma means that if you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you do bad things, bad things will happen to you.

Why Mother’s Prayer is Considered Heaven's Scent

Mother’s prayer is something that we often take for granted. We are so busy with our lives and the demands of our jobs and social obligations that we don’t always remember to give thanks to our mothers. In fact, most people tend to forget how fortunate they are in their lives and how blessed they are with their own mothers. 

This post is a dedication to all mothers in this world—not just yours but everyone who calls herself a mother. You see, there’s something about Mother’s Prayer that makes it heaven’s scent. Here is why Mother’s prayer is considered heaven's scent:

When everything was of gold

Why Self-Esteem and Satisfaction Need Nothing

The poor man is not a symbol of grief. This is because the poor man can remain happy and self-satisfied if he cuts the coat according to the cloth. Self-esteem and satisfaction need nothing, but they do not mean that one should be content with anything.

Why Miniature Things are Very Important in Our Life

We are blessed with countless little things in our life but we never realize their importance. What we need to do is to thank these little things for the good they have done in our lives. Without these little things, our life would be incomplete. Some of these little things are the beauty of nature, a nice smile from an unknown person, a single flower in the middle of a garden, and many more.

The Greatest Weakness of Human is His Behoof (Need)

Human is a slave of his need. In fact, he can’t do anything because of this bug. He cannot resist the urge to eat, drink, sleep and for that matter, everything you do in a day is to fulfill some need or other.

Why to Trust Teamwork and Delegation of Authority

Teamwork is key to success for any organization. To ensure good teamwork, delegation of authority is always required.

The delegation of authority will help the team in many ways such as:

- It will help the team to complete a task on time and with high-quality standards.

- It will help the team to have a sense of ownership and responsibility for their work.

- It will allow the team to grow their skills and knowledge by learning from other members of the team.

 Where There is a Will There is a Way

The saying “where there is a will, there is a way” means that if you are committed to something, then you will find a way to achieve it.

This phrase has been around since the 15th century. It is believed to have come from the book “The Imitation of Christ” by Thomas รก Kempis.

This phrase can be applied in many different scenarios such as overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

Why a Person is a Slave of his Thoughts

We are slaves of our thoughts. We cannot attain success in life if we are not able to break the bubble of thoughts that retain us in the fear of failure. You should be able to break out of this bubble and start thinking about what you want for yourself.

Achieving success is not an easy task. It requires a lot of effort and hard work. But it may be easier than you think if you can change your mindset and start thinking about what you want for yourself instead of fearing failure.

 Why to stick to your own Ethics and Values, not to that of others

The ethics and values of a person are groomed by his parents. But society also has an impact on a person’s behavior.

In this section, we will see how society affects people’s behavior and why sticking to your own ethics and values is important.

Why the World is Considered to be Selfish

The world is considered to be selfish because people are only in your favor until they get benefit out of you. They will leave you when they no longer need you. This is the reason why one should not have too many expectations from others and focus on what he or she can do for them.

How Dress Speaks of One's Personality

The dress is the first impression for the people in the surroundings. The first impression is important because it can lead to the success or failure of an individual. It can also be said that dressing up well is a way of showing respect and dignity to others.

The dress can show one's personality and attitude, and it can be used as a good tool to express one's individuality.

Why Intelligence is Superior to the Physical Strength

The world is changing. The old saying that a strong but fool beats a wise but weak, is no longer relevant.

Physical strength is nothing if you do not have the wisdom to go with it. Wisdom always supersedes physical strength because it helps you make the right decisions and gives you the power to fight back.

People are now wiser than before, and they are aware of their strengths and limitations. They know when to use their physical strength, and when to use their wisdom instead.

Why we should't trust anyone blindly

Trust is the foundation of all human relationships. No one can build a healthy relationship with someone they don’t trust.

There are many reasons why people may not trust others. One of them is that they don’t know the person well enough to know whether they can be trusted or not. This could be due to some bad experience in the past or just because of their personality traits.

The other reason might be that there is no way for us to verify if this person is who he says he is, given that we cannot see him, hear him, or touch him.

This gives rise to a common fear among people - that there are impostors out there who are trying to scam them and take advantage of their kindness and generosity.

It also leads people to become skeptical about strangers and not trust them blindly, which would lead them into trouble if they ever need help from someone they don’t know well enough yet.

Don't Leave Today's Work on Tomorrow

Successful people are blessed with the habit of timely fulfillment of tasks. It is because they realize that if a task is postponed, then the burden will be increased. It is not only about work but also about one's life. The habit of timely completion of tasks has enabled them to move towards success in life.

This section deals with how successful people manage their time and complete their tasks on time. It shows how these habits have helped them to achieve success in life and how they can help others too.




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